Symposium equine reproduction
Dit symposium is voor iedereen die maar geïnteresseerd is in Equine Reproduction. We proberen een dag te creëren, om diverse aspecten in ons vakgebied te bespreken, analyseren, toepassen en beargumenteren.
Zowel de Hengst als de merriekant wordt belicht, en zeer praktisch gegeven, doormiddel van PowerPointpresentaties en/of web labs. Deze zeer laagdrempelige informatieve dag is voor iedere hengstenhouder, fokker en dierenartsen. We proberen iedereen die passie heeft voor zijn vak een podium te geven, vaak met een erkend specialist als hoofdspreker.
Leerdoelen is voornamelijk met elkaar kennis te delen om zo op de hoogte te blijven omtrent nieuwe ontwikkelingen op gebied van Equine Reproduction en deze toe te passen in de praktijk. Ervaringen te delen en toe te lichten. Of u nou in bezit bent van Friese Paarden, KWPN ers, Haflingers, Trekpaarden, Arabieren of Welsh pony , het maakt niet uit. Het gaat erom, met mekaar proberen een vruchtbaar dek seizoen voor iedereen te creëren.
Volgend jaar op 14 januari 2025 is er weer een Symposium Equine Reproduction!
Zoals jullie van ons gewend zijn; wederom een zeer gevarieerd programma met geweldige sprekers!!
Dus heeft u interesse in Equine Reproduction? Wilt u alles weten over merries en hengsten?
Dan block uw agenda, want 14 januari 2025 is Diepenheim “the place to be”
Zeer interessante sprekers uit Europa en de volgende onderwerpen gaan we behandelen:
Bart Kools ;A Dutch native, Bart Kools moved to Germany in the 1980s to work at several stud stations, including Zuchthof Klatte, Dekstation Böckmann and St Ludwig, where he worked with the stallion Grannus, among others. Inseminating in the 1980s in Germany was reserved only for people from a Landgestüt. In the early 1990s, Werner Schockemöhle ensured that private individuals were also allowed to inseminate. After extensive training, Bart works for Schockemöhle stud station, which has so much work with its huge stallion stable that Bart has specialised entirely on stallion management, processing and freezing stallion semen. Together with Daan en Fred, he will talked about; The future of Equine Reproduction, what can we expect?
Immediately after graduating as a veterinarian, Karin Hendriks gained 11 years of work experience at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Reproduction, Utrecht University, where she was trained as a European Specialist in Reproduction of the Horse (exam 2008). In 2012 she went into practice and started the company Hendriks EQ Repro Consultancy in cooperation with De Graafschap Veterinarians. She changed tack in 2023 and started her own practice in cooperation with De Lingehoeve Veterinary Medicine in Rheden, called Lingehoeve Oost-Nederland. In the fall of 2016, she and Esther Hovenga started the company Seldsum EQ Hendriks, providing OPU/ICSI in mares at 2 locations: Jelsum and Rheden. In 2018, she received her PhD in the field of reproduction in horses from Utrecht University. The title of her dissertation is “Optimizing equine assisted reproductive technologies”. Karin talked about: “Treatment of the subfertile mare“. Do you have problems with your mare, please pass it on and we will go and discuss them!
Thomas Züchner ; “How to use VetMotl in the field” . From Austria, Thomas will introduce us in the world from VetMotl. This special device, can be a solution for ICSI, and processing semen. Thomas has his own company called Veticon, were he sells products for equine and bovine. He also organised courses for veterinarians.
Elodie Rethore; “All about Easy Foal” . Just a few years on the market, Easy Foal seems a promising and very practical product for foaling the mare. Elodie is “Cheffe de Produit Monitoring” at Innoval and she is going to explain to us how easy foal works in practice.
Daan Horn; The Future about Equine Reproduction, what can we expect? Together with his wife, top amazone Caroline Müller, Daan is the owner of the stable/stallion studfarm de Wiemselbach. Located in the beautiful Twente countryside near the German border, the Wiemselbach offers housing to more than fifty horses, ranging from foals to experienced grand-prix horses.
With the international successes of stallions like Libero H, Cavalier, Lupicor, Van Gogh and Numero Uno, the Wiemselbach has been at the top of equestrian sports for many years.
Fred van Straaten; The Future about Equine Reproduction, what can we expect? The van Straaten family is a household name in the horse world. Fred is besides breeder, owner of the stables De hazelhorst and is also selector for the Foal Auction Prinsjesdag. Every year about 25 foals are bred from different lines. After years of selection, seven strains have survived at the breeding family in Den Ham in the year 2019. German and Dutch performance families, which have doubly proven their worth.
Presentaties worden in het Engels gegeven en voor dierenartsen zijn punten beschikbaar!!
Hoop jullie allen te zien volgend jaar op deze interessante, bovenal zeer gezellige Symposium Equine Reproduction!!
Aanmelden via de button beneden de pagina
We verwelkomen u graag om 14 .00 uur en eindigen om omstreeks 21.00 uur, dit uiteraard onder het genot van een drankje en een heerlijk diner!
Zien we jullie??
Deze dag is niet mogelijk zonder sponsoring van verschillende bedrijven ( waarvoor onze grote dank!) waaronder:
Equifirst : en Nifa :
Ps.: mochten jullie willen overnachten in dit mooie, door kastelen omringd, kleinste stadje van Twente: Diepenheim, kan ik de B&B de Twentse Heerlijkheid graag aanbevelen: Tel: 0031646265575.
Als u aangeeft, dat het om het Symposium gaat, krijgt u een speciaal tarief van Leonie!
Tot ziens in Diepenheim!!!
Aanmelden Symposium Equine Reproduction:
Aanmelden Symposium Equine Reproduction
Sprekers voorgaande jaren:
Bart Leemans; This European Specialist in Equine theriogenology take us into the world of Capacitation in Semen. In 2010 graduated veterinary studies at the Ghent University in Belgium. ’ In 2016, Bart started his first postdoc project at the Texas A&M University (USA) working on dynamics of equine sperm capacitation triggered by Ca-ionophore. From 2017 to 2020, Bart embarked on his second postdoc project, as a result of a collaboration between Ghent and Utrecht Universities, developing an equine oviduct-on -a-chip. Currently, Bart is assistant professor at the Utrecht University.
Willem Greve; This well-known rider really needs no introduction. He has been ridden with the Ponies, Juniors and Young Riders, 10 European championships with seven different ponies and horses. In 1993 he won the Twente Cup with the ponies and in 1994 he became Dutch riding champion. In his Juniors and Young Riders days he won two silver and one bronze medals with the team, individually he was fifth and seventh.
In beautiful Markelo, Willem has a fantastic equestrian complex, where several stallions stand, which have already won many victories: Grand Prix of Rotterdam, The Dutch masters, Grand Prix of Mechelen, Grand Prix of Indoor Friesland and so on. Willem is also an stallion owner, so from the rider’s point of view, he can tell like no other about :how to treat and approach breeding stallions, sport or just a job to be done?.
Gertjan van Olst; Besides Bart and Willem, of course, a stallion owner cannot be missed and how proud can you be, that Gert-Jan van Olst is coming to talk :how to treat and approach breeding stallions, sport or just a job to be done? . As owner of a large stallion station he knows like no other how the sport and breeding goes together. Born in beautiful Overijssel, he moved to Brabant as a jumper rider and has always stayed there. His wife, well-known rider Anne van Olst, made the switch to dressage horses. Stallions such as Negro, Lord Leatherdale, Everdale, Glamourdale and Chippendale are no strangers and have been leading dressage for years.
Dr Esther Hovenga; Graduated from Utrecht University. First as a veterinarian at practice de Greidhoek and started her own practice Seldsum Equine Fertility in 2011. Fertility work of mares, deep freezing, ET , is part of her work, but also together with Karin Hendriks OPU/ICSI. In short, this vet is a jack of all trades and we look forward to her coming to share her knowledge on challenges with Embryo transplantation.
Dr. Jutta Sielhorst, Dipl. ECAR
ReproTraining, Germany (
Jutta obtained her veterinary degree in 2006 and received her specialty training at the University of Hanover, Germany. Her main research interests include ultrasonography of the late pregnant mare, use of Doppler ultrasonography in the pregnant mare and functionality of the pregnant uterus. After numerous years of experience in the field of equine reproductive medicine at the Celle State Stud, the University of Veterinary Medicine Foundation (TiHo) Hanover, the Veterinary Competence Center Karthaus GmbH, Germany and specialist clinics in New Zealand and Australia, Jutta has created ReproTraining – working independently at the interface between science and practice.
The focus of ReproTraining is on practice-oriented continuing education -online seminars and on-site courses- and collegial exchange in the field of reproductive medicine. As such, long-term goals are scientific work in cooperation with the TiHo Hanover and the exchange of knowledge between science and practice.
Furthermore, Jutta is involved in an international project „Equine business management“ at the South Westphalia University of Applied Science in Soest. Jutta wil take us into the world of: Monitoring and treatment of the high-risk pregnancy
Dr. Anna Tönissen – Reproductive problems in stallions. In december 2022 heeft ze de titel gekregen; Diplomate of European College for Equine Reproduction. Bij verschillende klinieken in Duitsland gewerkt en sinds 2017 bij Hannover University of Veterinary . Gespecialiseerd in Equine Reproduction en heeft veel onderzoeken met Dr. Sieme gedaan bij hengsten. Zowel DNA fragmentatie, Testicular Degeneration, Trauma en zoveel meer. Haar kennis is enorm en ben dan ook zeer vereerd om haar te kunnen verwelkomen. Dr. Martinsson neemt ons mee in de wereld van Reproductive problems in stallions.
Marcel Rouwenhorst van Rouwenhorst draagmerries neemt jullie mee in de wereld van draagmerries. Influence of recipients mares, voeding, huisvestiging en o.a. de juiste begeleiding van de merries, alles wordt hier besproken. Marcel Rouwenhorst gevestigd in Warnsveld, is begonnen met een melkveehouderij die omgebouwd is tot pensioenstalling, en kleinschalig draagmerries. Met een super samenwerking met Jeroen Smak en Karin Hendriks is het bedrijf uitgegroeid tot een paardenbedrijf gespecialiseerd in ET.
Bart Kools -Technique equine freezing. Als geboren Nederlander is Bart Kools in de jaren 80 naar Duitsland verhuisd, om te werken bij verschillende Dekstations, waaronder Zuchthof Klatte, Dekstation Böckmann en St. Ludwig, waar hij onder anderen gewerkt heeft met de hengst Grannus. Insemineren van in de jaren tachtig in Duitsland was alleen weggelegd voor mensen van een Landgestüt. Begin jaren 90 heeft Werner Schockemöhle ervoor gezorgd dat particulieren ook mogen insemineren. Na een uitgebreide opleiding werkt Bart voor dekstation Schockemöhle die met zijn enorme hengstenstapel zoveel werk heeft, dat Bart zich helemaal gespecialiseerd heeft op de management van de hengsten, verwerken en invriezen van hengstensperma. Bart neemt ons mee in de wereld van het invriezen van paardensperma. Wat te doen bij subfertile stallions, cooling curve en nog veel meer.
Dr. Esther Hovenga – Fertilization and early pregnancy loss in Mares. Afgestudeerd aan de Universiteit Utrecht. Eerst als dierenarts bij praktijk de Greidhoek en in 2011 begonnen met haar eigen praktijk Seldsum Equine Fertility. Fertiliteitswerk van de merries, diepvriesbegeleiding, ET , is een onderdeel van haar werk, maar ook samen met Karin Hendriks OPU/ICSI. Kortom, deze dierenarts is van alle markten thuis en we verheugen ons dat ze haar kennis komt delen over fertiliteit en early pregnancy loss in merries.
Dr. Michaela Kölling is partner in de Dierenartsenpraktijk Gestüt Buchenhof en managing partner van VETART Duitsland. Na jarenlange ervaring in England bij Equine fertility Unit van het Centre of Excellence for assited Reproductieve Technologies en Twemlows Hall Stud, waar ze enorm veel ervaring heeft opgedaan op het gebied van embryospoelingen en transfer, is in 2009 voor haar zelf begonnen in haar geboorteland Duitsland. In Sleeswijk-Holstein houdt ze zich bezig met de laatste ontwikkelingen van de moderne voortplantingstechnieken. Michaela gaat ons hierover uitgebreid over vertellen, maar ook over Equine Viral Arteritis ( EVA) , hoe ga je om met een uitbraak op je Stoeterij.
Marc Spalart is hoofd van Equitechnique, een van de vooraanstaande invriesstations in Europa. Gelegen in het prachtige Normandië, beheerst Equitechnique over meest moderne technische diensten met betrekking tot het invriezen van sperma, en daarnaast ook in bezit van 300 draagmerries, voornamelijk dravers. Gepassioneerd door dierlijk genetica, werd hij landbouwkundig ingenieur, voordat hij vertrok om zijn vaardigheden in de VS te verbeteren aan de Veto-school van Prof. Bob Kenney, een professor in de wetenschap van voortplanting bij paarden. Marc neemt ons mee in de wereld van Sexen van paardensperma, is dit toekomst?
DNA fragmentation – Prof. Dr. Harald Sieme Dr. Harald Sieme heeft als dierenarts gewerkt bij National Stud Lower Saxony en Celle en is tegenwoordig Professor Equine Reproductive Medicine bij Universiteit Hannover. Naast lesgeven en klinische activiteiten, is hij vooral gefocust op stallion fertility, cryobiology van sperma en reproductive biotechnology. Hij neemt ons mee in de wereld van DNA fragmentatie bij hengsten; wat betekent dit voor de vruchtbaarheid, oorzaak, erfelijkheid en vooral of er wat aan verbeterd kan worden. Bij de Friese paarden wordt de DFI al onderzocht bij de hengsten om na te gaan in hoeverre DFI een rol gaat spelen bij het bevruchtingsproces.
Tullis Matson werkt al meer dan 25 jaar in de paardenindustrie. Stallion AI Services Ltd wordt opgericht in 2000 door Tullis en is op het moment een van de modernste Stallion collection centre in Europa! De afgelopen jaren heeft Tullis uitgebreid onderzoek gedaan naar vruchtbaarheid en spermaverwerking van hengsten en cryopreservatiemethoden voor sperma en embryo’s van paarden. Hij geeft wereldwijd lezingen over het management van hengsten en Stallion Fertility en werkt ook samen met organisaties zoals Chester Zoo om sperma in te vriezen van bedreigde diersoorten.

Als geboren Nederlander is Bart Kools in de jaren 80 naar Duitsland verhuisd, om te werken bij verschillende Dekstations, waaronder Zuchthof Klatte, Dekstation Böckmann en St. Ludwig, waar hij onder anderen gewerkt heeft met de hengst Grannus. Insemineren van in de jaren tachtig in Duitsland was alleen weggelegd voor mensen van een Landgestüt. Begin jaren 90 heeft Werner Schockemöhle ervoor gezorgd dat particulieren ook mogen insemineren. Na een uitgebreide opleiding werkt Bart voor dekstation Schockemöhle die met zijn enorme hengstenstapel zoveel werk heeft, dat Bart zich helemaal gespecialiseerd heeft op de management van de hengsten, verwerken en invriezen van hengstensperma.
Leontine ter Harmsel-Zanderink is een erkend Paarden en Keuringsdierenarts. Samen met haar man, Hengstenhouder Gerrit ter Harmsel, runt zij Dierenkliniek Enterbrook. Met een vader als dierenarts, is bij Leontine de praktijk al met de paplepel ingegoten! Afgestudeerd aan de Universiteit van Gent, heeft ze bij verschillende hengstenhouders/klinieken gewerkt. Leontine heeft zich als dierenarts niet alleen ontwikkeld op gebied van keuringen, sportpaardenbegleidingen, kreupelheidsonderzoeken of chirugie. Vooral op het gebied van vruchtbaarheidsbegeleiding weet iedereen haar al te vinden. Naast begleiding van merries heeft Leontine zich helemaal gespecialiseerd op gebied van probleemmerries en embryotransplantatie!
Karin Hendriks is een erkend paardendierenarts die gespecialiseerd is in de modernste voortplantingstechnieken: embryotransplantatie en OPU/ICSI. Na jarenlang diverse onderzoeken gedaan aan de Universiteit Utrecht is Karin voor haar zelf begonnen met het bedrijf EQ Repro Consultancy waarin ze o.a. samenwerkt met paardenkliniek de Graafschap. Daarnaast heeft ze samen met Esther de Melker het bedrijf Selsum EQ Hendriks waarin ze zich onderscheid in het aanbieden van OPU ten behoeve van de uitvoering van ICSI.
Kortom dit is echt een once-in-a-life-time opportunity!
Symposium equine reproduction
This symposium is for anyone interested in Equine Reproduction. We try to create a day, to discuss, analyse, apply and argue various aspects in our field.
Both the Stallion and Mare side will be highlighted, and given very practically, through PowerPoint presentations and/or web labs. This very accessible informative day is for every stallion owner, breeder and veterinarian. We try to give a stage to everyone who is passionate about their profession, often with a recognised specialist as keynote speaker.
Learning objectives are mainly to share knowledge with each other in order to keep abreast of new developments in the field of Equine Reproduction and apply them in practice. Share and explain experiences. Whether you own Friesians, KWPN horses, Haflingers, draft horses, Arabians or Welsh ponies, it does not matter. It’s all about trying to create a fertil breeding season for everyone.
There will be another Equine Reproduction Symposium next year on 14 January 2025!
As you have come to expect from us; again a very varied programme with great speakers!!!
So are you interested in Equine Reproduction? Do you want to know everything about mares and stallions?
Then block your agenda, because January 14, 2025 Diepenheim is “the place to be“.
Very interesting speakers from Europe and we will treat the following topics:
Bart Kools ;A Dutch native, Bart Kools moved to Germany in the 1980s to work at several stud stations, including Zuchthof Klatte, Dekstation Böckmann and St Ludwig, where he worked with the stallion Grannus, among others. Inseminating in the 1980s in Germany was reserved only for people from a Landgestüt. In the early 1990s, Werner Schockemöhle ensured that private individuals were also allowed to inseminate. After extensive training, Bart works for Schockemöhle stud station, which has so much work with its huge stallion stable that Bart has specialised entirely on stallion management, processing and freezing stallion semen. Together with Willem, Bart will talk about ; The future of Equine Reproduction, what can we expect?
Immediately after graduating as a veterinarian, Karin Hendriks gained 11 years of work experience at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Reproduction, Utrecht University, where she was trained as a European Specialist in Reproduction of the Horse (exam 2008). In 2012 she went into practice and started the company Hendriks EQ Repro Consultancy in cooperation with De Graafschap Veterinarians. She changed tack in 2023 and started her own practice in cooperation with De Lingehoeve Veterinary Medicine in Rheden, called Lingehoeve Oost-Nederland. In the fall of 2016, she and Esther Hovenga started the company Seldsum EQ Hendriks, providing OPU/ICSI in mares at 2 locations: Jelsum and Rheden. In 2018, she received her PhD in the field of reproduction in horses from Utrecht University. The title of her dissertation is “Optimizing equine assisted reproductive technologies”. Karin talked about: “Treatment of the subfertile mare“. Do you have problems with your mare, please pass it on and we will go and discuss them!
Thomas Züchner ; “How to use VetMotl in the field” . From Austria, Thomas will introduce us in the world from VetMotl. This special device, can be a solution for ICSI, and processing semen. Thomas has his own company called Veticon, were he sells products for equine and bovine and organised courses for veterinarians.
Elodie Rethore; “All about Easy Foal” . Just a few years on the market, Easy Foal seems a promising and very practical product for foaling the mare. Elodie is “Cheffe de Produit
Monitoring” at Innoval and she is going to explain to us how easy foal works in practice.
Daan Horn; The Future about Equine Reproduction, what can we expect? Together with his wife, top amazone Caroline Müller, Daan is the owner of the stable/stallion studfarm de Wiemselbach. Located in the beautiful Twente countryside near the German border, the Wiemselbach offers housing to more than fifty horses, ranging from foals to experienced grand-prix horses.
With the international succes of stallions like Libero H, Cavalier, Lupicor, Van Gogh and Numero Uno, the Wiemselbach has been at the top of equestrian sports for many years.
Fred van Straaten; The Future about Equine Reproduction, what can we expect? The van Straaten family is a household name in the horse world. Fred is besides breeder, owner of the stables De hazelhorst and is also selector for the Foal Auction Prinsjesdag. Every year about 25 foals are bred from different lines. After years of selection, seven strains have survived at the breeding family in Den Ham in the year 2019. German and Dutch performance families, which have doubly proven their worth.
Presentations will be given in English and points are available for vets!!!
This day would not be possible without sponsorship from several companies ( for which our big thanks!) including:
Equifirst : and Nifa :
Ps.: should you wish to spend the night in this beautiful, by castles surrounded, smallest town of Twente: Diepenheim, I can gladly recommend the B&B de Twentse Heerlijkheid: tel: 0031646265575
If you indicate, that it is for the Symposium, you will get a special rate from Leonie!
Register via the button at the bottom of the page
We welcome you at 14 .00 and finish at around 21.00, this of course while enjoying a drink and a delicious dinner!
See you there!
Sign up Symposium Equine Reproduction
Previous speakers :
Bart Leemans; This European Specialist in Equine theriogenology take us into the world of Capacitation in semen. In 2010 graduated veterinary studies at the Ghent University in Belgium. ’ In 2016, Bart started his first postdoc project at the Texas A&M University (USA) working on dynamics of equine sperm capacitation triggered by Ca-ionophore. From 2017 to 2020, Bart embarked on his second postdoc project, as a result of a collaboration between Ghent and Utrecht Universities, developing an equine oviduct-on -a-chip. Currently, Bart is assistant professor at the Utrecht University.
Willem Greve; This well-known rider really needs no introduction. He has been ridden with the Ponies, Juniors and Young Riders, 10 European championships with seven different ponies and horses. In 1993 he won the Twente Cup with the ponies and in 1994 he became Dutch riding champion. In his Juniors and Young Riders days he won two silver and one bronze medals with the team, individually he was fifth and seventh. In beautiful Markelo, Willem has a fantastic equestrian complex, where several stallions stand, which have already won many victories: Grand Prix of Rotterdam, The Dutch masters, Grand Prix of Mechelen, Grand Prix of Indoor Friesland and so on. Willem is also an stallion owner, so from the rider’s point of view, he can tell like no other about :how to treat and approach breeding stallions, sport or just a job to be done?.
Gertjan van Olst; Besides Bart and Willem, of course, a stallion owner cannot be missed and how proud can you be, that Gert-Jan van Olst is coming to talk :how to treat and approach breeding stallions, sport or just a job to be done? . As owner of a large stallion station he knows like no other how the sport and breeding goes together. Born in beautiful Overijssel, he moved to Brabant as a jumper rider and has always stayed there. His wife, well-known rider Anne van Olst, made the switch to dressage horses. Stallions such as Negro, Lord Leatherdale, Everdale, Glamourdale and Chippendale are no strangers and have been leading dressage for years.
Dr Esther Hovenga; Graduated from Utrecht University. First as a veterinarian at practice de Greidhoek and started her own practice Seldsum Equine Fertility in 2011. Fertility work of mares, deep freezing, ET , is part of her work, but also together with Karin Hendriks OPU/ICSI. In short, this vet is a jack of all trades and we look forward to her coming to share her knowledge on challenges with Embryo transplantation.
Dr. Jutta Sielhorst, Dipl. ECAR
ReproTraining, Germany (
Jutta obtained her veterinary degree in 2006 and received her specialty training at the University of Hanover, Germany. Her main research interests include ultrasonography of the late pregnant mare, use of Doppler ultrasonography in the pregnant mare and functionality of the pregnant uterus. After numerous years of experience in the field of equine reproductive medicine at the Celle State Stud, the University of Veterinary Medicine Foundation (TiHo) Hanover, the Veterinary Competence Center Karthaus GmbH, Germany and specialist clinics in New Zealand and Australia, Jutta has created ReproTraining – working independently at the interface between science and practice.
The focus of ReproTraining is on practice-oriented continuing education -online seminars and on-site courses- and collegial exchange in the field of reproductive medicine. As such, long-term goals are scientific work in cooperation with the TiHo Hanover and the exchange of knowledge between science and practice.
Furthermore, Jutta is involved in an international project „Equine business management“ at the South Westphalia University of Applied Science in Soest. Jutta wil take us into the world of: Monitoring and treatment of the high-risk pregnancy
Dr Anna Tönissen – Reproductive problems in Stallion. In dec 2022 she became diplomate of European College for Equine Reproduction. Worked at several clinics in Germany and in 2017 she came to Hannover University of Veterinary. Specialized in Equine reproduction and she did a lot of research with Dr. Sieme. Both DNA fragmentation, Testicular Degeneration, Trauma and so much more. Her knowledge is huge and so am very honoured to welcome her. Dr Tönissen takes us into the world of Reproductive problems in stallions.
Marcel Rouwenhorst of Rouwenhorst – Recipients mares will take you into the world of recipients mares. Influence of recipients mares, nutrition, housing and, among other things, the proper guidance of mares, everything is discussed here. Marcel Rouwenhorst based in Warnsveld, started a dairy farm converted to retirement stabling, and small-scale recipients mares. With a super collaboration with Jeroen Smak and Karin Hendriks, the company has grown into a horse company specialising in ET.
Bart Kools -Technique equine freezing. A Dutch native, Bart Kools moved to Germany in the 1980s to work at several stud stations, including Zuchthof Klatte, Dekstation Böckmann and St Ludwig, where he worked with the stallion Grannus, among others. Inseminating in the 1980s in Germany was reserved only for people from a Landgestüt. In the early 1990s, Werner Schockemöhle ensured that private individuals were also allowed to inseminate. After extensive training, Bart works for Schockemöhle stud station, which has so much work with its huge stallion herd that Bart has specialised entirely on stallion management, processing and freezing stallion semen. Bart takes us into the world of freezing horse semen. What to do with subfertile stallions, cooling curve and much more.
Dr Esther Hovenga – Fertilization and early pregnancy loss in Mares. Graduated from Utrecht University. First as a veterinarian at practice de Greidhoek and started her own practice Seldsum Equine Fertility in 2011. Fertility work of mares, deep freezing, ET , is part of her work, but also together with Karin Hendriks OPU/ICSI. In short, this vet is a jack of all trades and we look forward to her coming to share her knowledge on fertility and early pregnancy loss in mares.
Dr. Michaela Kölling is partner in the veterinary practice Gestüt Buchenhof and managing partner of VETART Germany. After years of experience in England at the Equine Fertility Unit of the Centre of Excellence for Assured Reproductive Technologies and Twemlows Hall Stud, where she gained enormous experience in the field of embryo flushing and transfer, she started her own business in her native Germany in 2009. In Schleswig-Holstein, she is working on the latest developments in modern reproduction techniques. Michaela will tell us a lot about this, but also about Equine Viral Arteritis (EVA), how to deal with an outbreak at your stud.
Marc Spalart is head of Equitechnique, one of the leading freezing stations in Europe. Located in beautiful Normandy, Equitechnique masters the most modern technical services with regard to freezing semen, and also owns 300 surrogate mares, mainly trotters. Passionate about animal genetics, he became an agricultural engineer before moving to the US to improve his skills at the Veto School of Prof. Bob Kenney, a professor in the science of horse reproduction. Marc takes us into the world of equine sexing semen, is this the future?
Prof. Dr. Harald Sieme Very proud to see Dr. Harald Sieme from the University of Hannover, to explain to us all about DNA fragmentation in stallion semen.He worked as a veterinarian at National Stud Lower Saxony and Celle and is now Professor Equine Reproductive Medicine at the University of Hannover. Besides teaching and clinical activities, he is mainly focused on stallion fertility, sperm cryobiology and reproductive biotechnology.He takes us into the world of DNA fragmentation in stallions; what does this mean for fertility, cause, heredity and above all whether something can be improved. In Friesian horses, DFI is already being investigated in stallions to see to what extent DFI will play a role in the fertilization process.
Tullis Matson has been working in the horse industry for over 25 years. Stallion AI Services Ltd was founded in 2000 by Tullis and is currently one of the most modern Stallion collection centres in Europe! In recent years, Tullis has conducted extensive research into stallion fertility and semen processing and cryopreservation methods for semen and embryos of horses. He lectures worldwide on stallion management and Stallion Fertility and also works with organizations such as Chester Zoo to freeze semen from endangered species.

Born in the Netherlands, Bart Kools moved to Germany in the 1980s to work at various stud stations, including Zuchthof Klatte, Böckmann and St. Ludwig, where he worked with the stallion Grannus, among others. Insemination from the eighties in Germany was only for people of a Landgestüt. At the beginning of the 90’s Werner Schockemöhle made sure that private persons were also allowed to inseminate. After an extensive training Bart works for breeding station Schockemöhle who has so much work with his enormous stallion herd, that Bart is completely specialized in the management of the stallions, processing and freezing of stallion semen.
Leontine ter Harmsel-Zanderink is an approved Horse and Inspection Veterinarian. Together with her husband, stallion owner Gerrit ter Harmsel, she runs Dierenkliniek Enterbrook. With a father as veterinarian, Leontine’s practice has already been established! Graduated from the University of Ghent, she has worked at several stallion owners/clinics. As a veterinarian, Leontine has not only developed in the field of inspections, sport horse coaching, lameness examinations or surgery. Especially in the field of equine Reproductions, everyone knows where to find her. In addition to coaching mares, Leontine has specialized in the field of problem mares and embryo transplantation!
Karin Hendriks is a recognized horse vet who specializes in the most modern reproduction techniques: embryo transplantation and OPU/ICSI. After years of research at the University of Utrecht, Karin started her own company EQ Repro Consultancy in which she collaborates with horse clinic de Graafschap. In addition, together with Esther de Melker, she runs the company Selsum EQ Hendriks in which she distinguishes herself by offering OPU for the implementation of ICSI.